Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers

Families USA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)4 organization that does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates. Its mission is to achieve high-quality, affrodable health coverage and care for all Americans.

Publications and Resources

Five Ways the Romney-Ryan Medicare Plan Hurts People 55 and Older provides a closer examination of how the Romney-Ryan Medicare plan will affect those people who were born before 1958. (October 2012)

ObamaCare versus RomneyCare versus RomneyCandidate Care: Families USA's 501(c)(4) partner has prepared a report with never-before-released national and state-by-state data comparing three health reform programs: the health reform law enacted in Massachusetts under the leadership of Governor Mitt Romney, the Affordable Care Act enacted under the leadership of President Barack Obama, and the public positions on health care taken by Governor Romney in his role as the Republican presidential nominee. (September 2012)